Our Circle has Space for All of You

I’m writing this on Election Day 2020, a threshold crossing into the next few years of governance in the US. The tension of 2020 is particularly high today and if you’re feeling anxious, tired, out of sorts, or overwhelmed, you are not alone. We’re with you and feeling it too.

By the time you read this, the polls will be closed and we might even have an idea about who will represent the country’s highest political office for the next 4 years. What that actually means for us is completely unknowable and the effects will remain mostly out of our control, unsettling thoughts for sure. Now is an especially important time to turn towards our connection with others and contemplate the aspects of our lives we actually have a say in creating.

I’ve come to imagine that if 2020 has a message for us, it’s to remind us that humanity hasn’t been on solid ground for quite some time. Industrial Culture was built on the reckless extraction of essential resources and the exploitation of nature and the elements – including humans, plants, minerals, and animals. In the name of progress, we’ve centered our lives around what we can take rather than what we can give. And the ecosystems of our planet and our institutions are crumbling in the imbalance.

What would we create if we oriented around our contributions instead? When we enter into a reciprocal relationship with Life, we surrender our certainty and offer ourselves as both giver and receiver of nourishment. We start to rebalance our humanity with nature and trade transactional outcomes for a more generative connection with ourselves and the World. 

This is the domain of soul.


One of the most powerful ways to align with soul’s is through self-designed ceremony. When we connect with something larger than ourselves and human beings, we bring in the holy and renew our connection with the more than human world. Through deep listening, we hear whispers from our guides and feel the heartbeat of our ancestors living in us. With the sacred offering of our attention, we receive messages from the Earth about what we can do to strengthen planetary diversity and remember our interconnectedness and belonging.

Sadly, this type of authentic ceremony is foreign to most of us today, which is why we’re inviting all women* to gather and commune with us for a weekend of Ceremony, November 13th – 15th. You don’t have to know anything about ceremony to join, you simply have to listen to your longing and be willing to be changed by stepping into the unknown. Our circle has space for all of you, for whatever you’re marking, stepping into, leaving behind, or claiming. We’ll cross the threshold together and guide you all the way through, from preparations to the celebration of your return.

We all carry an essential piece that the world needs and the sacred act of ceremony can bring us closer to it. Join us if you feel called to weave yourself into our community of women* dedicated to creating wellness in the World through feeding our belonging and interconnectedness. Head over here to learn more.

* We gladly welcome cis and trans women as well as non-binary people identify primarily as women.


Yield to Find Nourishment


Ceremony Creates Change