Free Guides
Practices to serve your wholeness, and your wellness, and support your unfolding and belonging in the human and more than human worlds.
Self Pleasure Practice Guide
Connecting with Erotic Pleasure
A free online 3-part class series
Join us for three experiential, hour-long classes to begin (or continue) your process of understanding and embodying erotic pleasure for yourself, your ancestors, and The World.
13 Days of Erotic Wellness
In this Free Self-Paced Online Course for Women we will help you identify and shed the erroneous beliefs Western Culture has taught and told you about your eros and wellness. Each day will be an invitation into embodied engagement with yourself and a reciprocal relationship with the natural world, both critical facets of Erotic Wellness. These practices are simple to the core, because wellness is not complicated.

The Verdant Collective Guides discussing a range of topics.


The OneWoman Radio project has the mission to nourish, embolden and empower the wild and wise feminine intelligence across the globe. Using story, music and sound, and invoking a non-ordinary state of consciousness that allows us to hear, feel – and therefore know – things beyond the usual ways of knowing, OneWoman Radio offers nourishment to the starved and silenced ‘wisdom ways’ that are our necessary inheritance and responsibility. These wisdom ways, and the unapologetic ferocity and warriorship in service to Life, are anathema to the current structure of global Patriarchy, and the biocidal, biophobic stories, attitudes and actions that are its way.