Explore Embodied Gratitude

Experience a deepened connection to your true appreciation and resource yourself for this holiday season.

Free Workshop:

Many of us have been told to be thankful for what we have. Akin to ‘say you’re sorry!’ as children, we are often told to be grateful. We are told to be grateful for things we didn’t even ask for – and for things that aren’t actually even good for us. 

True gratitude requires intimacy, connection, and the vulnerability to be significantly impacted by someone or something, all of which require enough wellness, safety, and equilibrium in our nervous systems. Just as grief is an act of praise for the one we are missing, gratitude is an act of appreciation for the person or thing we are in connection with. 

Join us for guidance in finding your true appreciation and the nourishment that comes with it.

This won’t just make you feel good, it will help you to cultivate resources and resilience in the face of challenges that the holiday season can heap on so many of us.

Let’s come together to explore what true gratitude looks and feels like

What You Will Learn:

  • Where gratitude actually comes from (hint: it’s not the automatic thank yous we’ve been instructed to give)

  • How to receive the nourishing neurochemistry of embodied gratitude

  • What your nervous system needs to relax into the vulnerability of experiencing and expressing true appreciation

This is for Women Who:

  • Want to put attention on what is good in their lives rather than staying caught in the problems

  • Feel like something’s wrong with them because they can’t access the gratitude everyone tells them they should

  • Feel cut off from gratitude, like they’re going through the motions

  • Want to feel nourished by the holidays, rather than depleted

  • Have a sense that gratitude can connect them more deeply with the human and more than human worlds

When you sign up:

You’ll get a link to the recording page. On that page, you can listen to or watch the recording of this live workshop.

  • “This Verdant work is what is necessary for our world. Unconditional Love, pleasure and healing in every corner and crevice. It is pure brilliance and other worldly what women can do, create and heal together when we are free. I love you women… unreasonably.”


  • “I did not know what it meant to have a well community until I met this remarkable group of women. The leadership is impeccable and I have access to much more of me since I started this work.”
