
 Erotic Embodiment & the Triune Autonomic Nervous System

A Verdant Collective 8-Week Online Class and Group

Enrollment for this course has closed.

If we listen to everything popular culture, psychology and even the sex positive movement tell us about consent and pleasure, we likely come away with the idea that these critical aspects of our experience are simply choices we make with our conscious minds. And, if we decide that we’re committed to crafting a life of pleasure and arousal, or even simply embodiment, we often believe it’s a process of mind over matter – simply choosing to put our attention where we think and want it to go. We imagine (and often we are told), we should be able to experience pleasure, connection, arousal and more by flipping the switch of our thoughts. While the ‘mind over matter’ approach can be effective sometimes, our primary impulses and reactions actually take place underneath our conscious experience, and they happen much faster than our conscious thoughts. This explains why we sometimes surprise ourselves in intimate situations and seemingly, out of nowhere, shut down or lash out, even if just moments ago we were enjoying ourselves. 

Many of our reactions and responses originate in the circuitry of our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). When our system is in a state of balance, we are resilient, fluid, engaged, available, and erotically well. And while fight, flight, and freeze are necessary and healthy survival functions, they are stress responses that aren’t meant to be chronic states. As you can imagine, when we’re concerned with surviving, there is no space for abiding wellness or thriving. 

The Triune ANS may seem mysterious because it’s a complex system that lives under the surface of our conscious awareness, but as our central command center, we’re in relationship with it all the time whether we know it or not. To learn about the role the ANS plays in our wellness, we simply need a little knowledge about it and permission to tune in. Once we get under our mind and into our body, we can intuitively feel it and can begin to understand it from the terrain of our own embodied experience. We can learn to re-wire ourselves and find foundational erotic embodiment and pleasure once we know how to get into relationship with the deepest parts of ourselves during crucial learning moments. 

This online course, Erotic Embodiment and the Triune Autonomic Nervous System, has been crafted to help you learn how to be in constant connection with your ANS as your primary navigation system. We’ll explore the ANS, one branch at a time, one week at a time to discover what’s here now, and what more is possible in your relationship to yourself, your people, and the World.

Program Details:

We request that you attend a minimum 6 of our 8 sessions together

Location: Zoom

$249, or 2 payments of $125
A limited number of scholarships available for participants in need.

This online program is for you if:

  • You are a practitioner, mother or healer and you know something about the Nervous System but want to expand your knowledge with practical, embodied practices

  • You want to learn how to tap into the endowment of your Nervous System as a reservoir of your wellness

  • You find yourself in situations that you are a ‘no’ to and you’re not sure how you got there

  • You find yourself chronically agitated or at the opposite end, unable to motivate yourself and you want to learn ways to bring yourself into balance

  • You’re threshold for sensation and pleasure is lower thank you’d like and you want to build your capacity to stay with both 

  • You want to be able to recognize and lean into where your NS is already well and use it as a resource to build capacity in other areas

  • You want to learn ways to work through your stressful emotions and you’re ready to experience the world and yourself through a fresh lens

 In our 8 weeks together we will:

  •  Define The Triune Autonomic Nervous System and appreciate how it’s the underlying foundation of all of our experiences

  • Learn to consciously tune into our ANS and track ourselves on multiple levels so that we can trust the intelligence behind our yes’s and no’s

  • Learn about the Learning Zone and how to stay anchored and attuned to ourselves to learn, complete stress responses, and heal trauma

  • Examine our reactions as trailheads to our wounds and learn how to meet them in the moment to start rewiring them toward wellness

  • Break myths about arousal by learning about the activation/enjoyment cycle and how it can increase our sensation and pleasure thresholds

  • Practice using Breath, Sound, and Movement as ways to get present and amplify pleasure

  • Use Self Pleasure practices and experimentation to dive into pleasure and sensation

  • Practice savoring nourishing experiences

  • Explore how our arousal and the neurobiology of our pleasure can be used to attend to our trauma

We request that you attend a minimum 6 of our 8 sessions together – you are an essential member of this experience, the community that will hold this experience, and the wellness that we will all cultivate and nourish together.

The Verdant Collective is a radical – and radically safe – place to remember what your free, embodied, deeply nourished, and sovereign female looks, sounds and feels like. It is a place to grieve and to celebrate, to replenish and to grow.

We are a group of women who refuse to accept the definitions and expectations our culture has placed on our sex, our wildness, and our authentic emotional expression. We believe our wild nature is a radical force for healing. Thus we prioritize its wellness in ourselves and our sisters.