Online Programs


Reclaiming Erotic Pleasure

A 4-Week Online Course
In a culture that conflates pleasure with entertainment and recreation, we’ve been made to fear and denigrate our capacity for erotic pleasure — a force of truth and change with the power to heal so much of what is currently ailing us. In this course, we will reclaim our embodied pleasure as an act of liberation and activism.


Wandering into Wellness

A Self-Paced Online Course, $27
The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is responsible for nearly every facet of our social, relational experience as humans. In this short course, you will find yourself considering and learning about your ANS, from within the unique and intimate terrain of your own embodied experiences.


13 Days of Erotic Wellness

A Free Self-Paced Online Course
A daily invitation into embodied engagement with yourself and a reciprocal relationship with the natural world, both critical facets of Erotic Wellness. These practices are simple to the core, because wellness is not complicated.

“…the soul can never be more than what the body believes of itself.”

— The Grooming by Patiann Rogers