
Taking Our Bodies Back

Offered at three investment tiers $845, $997, $1,145 with partial work-trade positions available.
Join the Waitlist to be notified when the doors open for the next round

“Being a part of this Verdant Collective Immersion has allowed me to step into my body in a way I have never experienced. The container held by the Verdant Collective women is an invitation to be expressed in my rawest form and to relate with the natural world in ways that I didn’t know were even on the menu. ”

— Melissa, 2021 Participant

Our physical bodies are a microcosm of the brilliance and beauty of the Universe. The fierce autonomy and inextricable interdependence we each experience within the ecologies in which we are nested is mirrored in the complexity of the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit. The body we incarnate into is the homebase from which we weave our belonging in and to The World. It is in the most intimate space of our body that we feel our love for and devotion to The World. With our bodies we explore the bounty and beauty of the physical world, feeling the ways we are so perfectly designed to experience the physical, emotional, and spiritual complexities of our participation in the grand unfolding within and around us. 

What happens to our experience of our belonging – to our capacity to intimately experience and be genuinely nourished by anything – if we are caught in an adversarial relationship with our body?   

Many of us grew up in a consumer, conformist society that uses airbrushing and photoshop to create impossible standards for the appearance of bodies. When we don’t measure up, it promises to remedy all of our shortcomings with the latest diet and exercise regimen, makeup, and shapewear. When this fails, we can turn to Western Medicine to surgically or chemically 'fix' the parts of us that will not conform to the culture’s impossible standards. 

We’ve also been handed a stack of expectations about our relationship with our bodies that includes so much more than our appearance. We are told how our bodies are supposed to sound, smell, function, find and feel pleasure. If we deviate from these prescriptive constructs, the problem is us and we’d better do something to hide or fix it, or we can just write ourselves off as not measuring up, not being beautiful, and therefore, not having value. We are taught to believe that our body’s worth has nothing to do with its incredible capacity or how it feels from the inside out. Instead, we are taught to relate with our bodies from the outside in, based entirely on how they look to everyone else.

This messaging and the resulting lifelong focus on and concern with the shape, function, and appearance of our bodies distract us from what is truly ours to be and do in the world. It alienates us from our truthful and fierce voice and it withers our sense of value, worth, and belonging. We are herded into relationships of comparison and competition with one another, rather than into relationships based in connection and collaboration. Our value is reduced to the extent to which we manage to fit within the standards set forth in movies, television, social media, and the glossy pages of magazines. 

This alienation from, and commodification and objectification of our bodies mirrors the way that we, as a society, relate with the Earth. We’ve separated ourselves from nature, and have turned the Earth and all of the other-than-human beings who inhabit it into objects for us to use without regard for the impact. Their value is defined not by the fact they exist as essential and intrinsic beings within the Web of Life but rather by the value they have to us, and to corporations who profit from turning them into 'resources'.

“We know ourselves to be made from this earth. We know this earth is made from our bodies. For we see ourselves. And we are nature. We are nature seeing nature. We are nature with a concept of nature. Nature weeping. Nature speaking of nature to nature.”

— Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature

In this 4-day camping immersion in the mountains of Colorado, we will begin and continue the process of taking our bodies back. We will identify and name the stories we’ve been force-fed so that we can see them for what they are, say ‘no more’, and crowd them out by turning our attention and energy toward that which nourishes us. 

We will remember and feed our individual, unique and wild relationships with our bodies. We will share the journeys we’ve been on with our bodies, and the stories we are ready to let go of. 

We will stand in front of one another without pretense or clothing so that, in seeing one another, we might truly see ourselves – perhaps for the very first time. 

We will wander on the land, remembering that our belonging is so much bigger than what we’ve been led to believe and cannot possibly be ruptured. We will give back the stories that we’ve been told and make ourselves inhospitable to their return, while we find the wild, undomesticated places in us that are untouched and unscathed.

We will hold one another – literally – as we unravel and reweave the threads of our wellness into resilient relationships with our bodies and the unique, ineffable souls that reside within them; nourishing intimate relationships with ourselves that come from the inside out. By radically tending to all that is so brilliantly, beautifully well and right about us – just as we are – we will participate in mending the damage done to female culture and stand as role models for the girls and young women in our communities today. 

Taking Our Bodies Back

Offered at three investment tiers $845, $997, $1,145 with partial work-trade positions available.
Join the Waitlist to be notified when the doors open for the next round

In our 4 days together we will:

  • Sit in council, speaking and listening from the heart

  • Practice ways of seeing and being seen by each other that welcome and normalize all body types, sizes, colors, and shapes

  • Enact ceremonies to mark and amplify our changed and changing relationship with our bodies and with dominant culture, and/or to acknowledge the relationships we long to have.

  • In safe (enough) containers, sit with one another’s pleasure and curiosity, shame and trauma – giving us the opportunity to disempower our own stories of ‘not enough’ as we celebrate and encourage what is abundantly well within all of us

Please Note:

  • This program invites participants into an exploration of nudity and guided, safe (enough) clothed full-body touch. We invite the entirety of our bodies to participate in this program – including our genitals.

  • How much – or how little – you participate is completely up to you. You get to choose how much you participate in all the parts of our time together, but especially anything that includes nudity and touch. There is no expectation, either way, for how your participation will look. Your boundaries are essential for the wellness of our communal container and will be not merely welcomed but encouraged.

  • We will accept a maximum of 20 participants

Taking Our Bodies Back

Offered at three investment tiers $845, $997, $1,145 with partial work-trade positions available.
Join the Waitlist to be notified when the doors open for the next round


Arrive between 10 am and 12 pm on Thursday. We will officially circle up at 2:30 pm. We close our time together by 12 pm on Sunday.


We will be car camping (meaning, there’s no hike-in) on private land near Boulder, CO.


We will provide dinners (that will be gluten and dairy free, with vegetarian and carnivore options) and hot water, as well as a kitchen set up that you will be able to use. But feel free to bring your own small kitchen set-up if you prefer to cook your breakfasts and lunches at your tent site instead of using the communal kitchen.

You will need to bring your own breakfasts, lunches, snacks, tea, coffee, water, plate, bowl, mug, water bottle, and utensils. 

We’ll send you a detailed packing list to help you arrive prepared. 


We do not have a requirement for masks, distancing, quarantining, vaccine disclosure or testing – your choices in these matters are up to you. In this space we are each responsible to tend to ourselves and care for the ecosystem we are all a part of, so if you are sick in any way, it is heartbreaking but critical that you do not join us. In light of the ever-changing COVID landscape, we may adjust our policy again prior to our arrival in the glorious Colorado mountains.


We have three investment options* 
$845, $997, $1,145

Partial work-trade positions are available.

*A Note on Investment: Please choose your right tuition level carefully, remembering that our experience of our financial capacity is so deeply subjective, influenced by the incessant messaging from the dominant culture and a flawed image of wealth. Let’s be guided by way-shower Betty Martin who reminds us that ‘when we give what we can and not what we can’t, the magick happens.” This is made all the more possible by those of us who have even just a little more than we need contributing towards those who do not; and those who need help having the courage to receive it when it is offered with full heart. Thank you, in advance, for your thoughtful consideration of your capacity and/or your need.

Refund Policy:

We offer a 50% refund up to 4 weeks before the start of this program. After that point, we do not offer refunds or transfers. Of course, we will make exceptions for extenuating circumstances, so please be in touch with us if you will not be able to attend.

This 4-day immersion is presented by the Verdant Collective. Our full four-month immersion begins in February. Find out more here.

The Verdant Collective is a radical – and radically safe – place to remember what your free, embodied, deeply nourished, and sovereign female looks, sounds and feels like. It is a place to grieve and to celebrate, to replenish and to grow.

We are a group of women who refuse to accept the definitions and expectations our culture has placed on our sex, our wildness, and our authentic emotional expression. We believe our wild nature is a radical force for healing. Thus we prioritize its wellness in ourselves and our sisters.

Taking Our Bodies Back

Offered at three investment tiers $845, $997, $1,145 with partial work-trade positions available.
Join the Waitlist to be notified when the doors open for the next round



Who is this program for?

We recognize that gender is a spectrum, not a binary, and that biological sex and gender are not the same thing. We also recognize that sex is very real and measurable, and that it has an impact on our experience in the world, and the ways that the world treats us. Everyone needs spaces to unfold and explore their unique experiences with other people of the same background, as well as spaces to hear about and connect with the experiences of people who are different. We have designed this program to be an affinity space for biological females who identify as women to explore their unique experience of embodiment in the world. 


What if I can’t attend all 4 days?

Attendance at the entirety of the program is required for participation.


How can our loved ones reach us in case of an emergency?

We will provide a phone number for them to reach us if they need to, but reception is not guaranteed (comes in and out over the course of a day), and most people do not have cell reception in this location.


What is your refund policy?

We offer a 50% refund up to 1 week before the start of this program. After that point, we do not offer refunds or transfers. Of course, we will make exceptions for extenuating circumstances, so please be in touch with us if you will not be able to attend.
