Verdant Collective Winter 2024 Feedback + Testimonial Name (optional) First Name Last Name Email (optional) What had you interested in joining The Verdant Collective? What were you hoping to receive/learn/experience? What did you receive from this program? How, specifically, did The Verdant Collective make a difference in your life? Before joining the VC, what concerns did you have about participating (if any)? Was there anything specific that was most scary/unknown/unappealing about the way the program was described, or, a particular idea you had about a thing that might happen here? What would you say to a friend who was considering joining The Verdant Collective, who is asking for your opinion/reflections? Pleae be specific To help you answer the next questions, here is a list of some of the practices and teachings from our 4 months together. If we’ve neglected to mention one please don’t hesitate to include it in your responses: Sound, Breath, Movement Teaching Generative/ Expensive Framework Nervous System and the Learning Zone The Undressing The Wheel Of Consent and Want/Willing No/Yes Exercise The Handless Maiden Introject Teaching Rebel/vs Radical Teaching Vulva Art Show/Goddess Gallery/Pussy Parade Bossy Massage and Cupping Councils: Truth Telling, Wise Well Woman, Internal & External Anatomy of Arousal Mapping, self and on the table Mark Making/Artwork Arousal vs orgasm (arousal is its own event) Orgasm as threshold Sound Exercise Moving beyond ‘Safety’ as the goal into the realm of possibility Taking your place in the ecosystem of The Women’s Hut (and beyond) Communal Erotic Practice Witnessed Self Pleasure Table Work Self-Designed Ceremony The value of savoring The role of the Witness Which practice(s)/teaching(s) were the most valuable or impactful for you, and why? Which practice(s)/teaching(s) were the least valuable or impactful for you, and why? Please share your experience of the various elements of the container: Pods, sisters, calls What would you have liked to experience or receive from The Verdant Collective that you didn’t? Please take a moment to share your experience of us as Guides, our leadership style(s), the modeling of diverse ways of being, and our teaching styles and rapport with one another. We welcome ALL your feedback. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Please share a testimonial for us to use in our future marketing efforts. Let us know how you’d like us to name you and if you’re willing to have your picture associated with the testimonial. (Let us know how we can refer to you i.e., your initials, your first name and last initial, etc, can we use your photograph?) Thank you!