Erotic Pleasure Is Power
“I have spent all my life with dance and being a dancer. It’s permitting life to use you in a very intense way. Sometimes it is not pleasant. Sometimes it is fearful. But nevertheless, it is inevitable.”
Our permission for life to use us in very intense ways requires a commitment to, and faith in, the Erotic. It requires that we betroth ourselves to it. That we make Life our primary partner, letting ourselves not only be moved and molded by it but inspired and emboldened by it as well.
The Erotic is the pulsating braid of lifeforce energy that weaves and winds itself through all beings, animate and inanimate, throughout the Universe. It’s the pulse or spark of possibility in any given moment. Sometimes this pulse is magnificent, like a clap of thunder directly over your head. Sometimes it’s subtle and barely there, like the slightest breeze on your face.
Our capacity to be available to, shaped, and inspired by the Erotic requires that we do not expect it to feel good all the time. To be available to the Erotic, and therefore to experience erotic pleasure, requires that we welcome the intensity, the fear, the pain, the grief and all the other aspects that dancing with Life entails. The more we are able to take on the shapes of all the embodied experiences that are simply a part of being alive at this time, the more we are brilliantly available to the many experiences of erotic pleasure.
Here, we are resilient and powerful. Erotic pleasure is power. When we are alive with erotic pleasure we are brave and fierce and we are less and less susceptible to the narratives that diminish and dissuade us. When we are alive with erotic pleasure we are available to the wisdom that inspires us to act on behalf of Life and we are less and less fearful of the consequences of our radical powerful actions to protect that Life.
Please join us in just a couple of weeks for Reclaiming Erotic Pleasure, a four-week online journey back into the brilliant woven web of aliveness and power that is our birthright and our responsibility.